Sunday, August 26, 2007

den ständiga framtidsångesten och jag

My mother, my brother and i took a ride to the sea and through the neighbourhood. It is a nice place. I saw some familiar people in the food store, a couple in my age that i or someone else have been to school with and it struck me how far away i was from them, geographically at least, and that they both had each other and maybe they still lived around there, and maybe they were well educated and… and… who knows?!
Probably not. I’m a part of a spoiled generation – i dream about getting a house like my mum’s in a hidden paradise in a big city but i am not making an effort to get it.
Instead i’m loitering about, dreaming of adventures.

On TV today there was a documentary about an old couple moving to an old people’s home. They talked about their childhood together (childhood together! Too late to get a boyfriend like that, hm!) and their… ah. “we thought brazil seemed to be a good place and moved there”. Just like that! They had been moving around a lot and showed videos of themselves being young and having a pick nick on the beach. Smiling and waving. People were happier back then, weren’t they? Happier and walking and driving faster.
Maybe it was the speed of everything that made them happy? Or just speed as in C6H5CH2CH(NH2)CH3 , what do i know? No time for worries anyway.

And as long as i move around and maybe have pick nicks on beaches and videotape it all i’m excused for not buying a house and settle down in my hometown.
And that’s a relief.

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Saturday, August 25, 2007


Hmm… not much to tell, i’m afraid. I’m eating ice cream but still feel a bit warm in the stomach. Maybe it is the tiny fever i had yesterday and today. No, i’m sure it is something else. At least i know that i’m looking forward to go back to Iceland! No, longing for it! Längta längta!

Summer, as far as i remember, has been rather cold and uneventful. The day after i wrote my last post (on the 2nd, that is) my brother turned 30. Great party! I still haven’t finished his lopapeysa (because of laziness, nothing else) that i planned to give him but he seemed happy anyway. The weather was good and the garden was green.
I’ve been to the countryside (the other place, not the island. The Inland Empire – ha ha), been to Småland, been hanging out with friends, lost my wallet and gotten it back, lost two cameras but might know where they are, gone shopping, collected heather and sorted out some clothes i will never use again anyway.
Today me and Karl went to the opening of the Art Biennial, made tortellinis w. mushrooms, watched an episode of Dr. Snuggles and went to fetch the lizard scull i had found on the heather hill.
Tomorrow i will probably do something else.

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

To Lorry

The post you've been waiting for: the flea market report.

I didn't buy anything. I was thinking about buying an 80's shirt with only one button in it and a comic about two mexican (i think) girls who had great haircuts but i didn't.
I also thought about buying The Great Gatsby since i was running out of books but i'm glad i didn't since my brother showed up a couple of days after that with some books from my mum.
That's about it.
I tried to take a picture of my sister but she shyed away.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

nån form av cockpit, båtens cockpit

jag drömde inatt att jag jobbade på lindex, fast det var som kicks, och att alla örhängena som jag skulle ställa iordning drösade ner på golvet.
Adam Alsing, som var min arbetsledare, kom förbi och sa åt mig att jag inte fick göra fel men när han själv skulle visa hur man gjorde ställde han till det ännu mer. Jag blev arg och ville sluta, men sa ingenting.

Bilden är från videon till "bakom basistens bas" av Peter Wahlbeck. ALLT für alle-gänget har gjort är bra; tack trumtrum!

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