Friday, March 24, 2006

I can't think of anything better to do/write today than to qoute my sister. And sorry, i'm afraid it is in Swedish too..

kom hem nu från en nattlig halv picnic med varm choklad på skansberget.. o så hade pappa e så söt när man skall släcka hans lampa...
- hej e du hemma.. vad gör du?
- jag skall släcka din sänglampa
- jasså är den tänd? är det därför jag inte somnar?
- ja det måste vara det
- jag som trodde det cd-rombuggar i systemet.. snaaarrrrk

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


Finally, i took some time off from all the things i do and packed my books and found me a sofa. And i lay there for two hours, reading and writing down things-to-do.
My English is getting worse, as well as my Icelandic. I should really read and write more. And oh! How good it is for the soul!
Life is beautiful, as Jónthor said.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Ach ja. Working and sleeping, this seems to be my life at the moment. I have no time to read the books i so much long to read, and my social life is falling to pieces. At least, that's how it feels.
...Om jag var vaken skulle jag ge dig allt det där jag aldrig ger dig...

I was waiting for my tea to cool down and now it is cold. Tea was one of the things i believed in and now it is...

Ah. i'm behaving like an idiot. The tea got cold because i waited for too long. Sometimes i really have impossible expectations on things and people around me. To tell you the the truth, most or perhaps all of the people i know are fantastic people. It is just i who never see the daylight.

And one boy made of stone on an island far far away from this one has a heart of gold. Well hidden, of some reason.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I wish this would be your colour

It is funny. I was thinking about my friend Andreas today, the one with red hair, and i tried to find the song who reminded me the most about him. Because, as i told Kristján, lyrics are good when you try to find things.
Anyway, i miss Andreas and tried to find him in a song.
The song is called Sabrina which is also the name of a friend i visited today. I promise! I didn't know the name of the song until i looked up the lyrics!
What was also funny was that i felt like getting a family when visiting her. Shit, man... a family. A home, some children and a man who drills holes in the walls.

Andreas, jag saknar dig! And i miss the late nights and early mornings at your place, as i did last spring when i was also in Iceland. I'm so emotional tonight, got tears in my eyes when watching a music video.
Nights with good movies and biscuits from your cupboard, in the kitchen. Or toasts by the kitchen table.
It is strange to be at home in two worlds.