Yesterday me and my brother went shopping toghether. We were supposed to find some pants for him, that was the actual mission, but of course we didn't but found a lot of other clothes instead. Like this Superman t-shirt that i'm wearing on the picture. Not until later did my brother mention that he was wearing almost the exact kind of t-shirt! Life is so strange sometimes..
Later on we went with Ida and Péter to the cinema to watch Pan's Labyrinth. It was not the fairy-tale movie i expected but a brutal movie about the fascism in Spain in the 40's.
Still great, however.
Later on we went with Ida and Péter to the cinema to watch Pan's Labyrinth. It was not the fairy-tale movie i expected but a brutal movie about the fascism in Spain in the 40's.
Still great, however.
Labels: movie
Nú? Ég fer til Íslands... á þriðjudaginn. Ahem.
En við hittumst kannski þarna í vor?
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Nu är så väldigt fina! Jag tror på dig Malva! Allt kommer bli finfint!
Á ekki hugmund; en ég er örugglega hér þegar þú kemur aftur heim!
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